What is the Imperium Project?

We were led to believe that we were free and democratic, but now, we see that we are not, therefore The Imperium Project has been created based on the knowledge that responsible and accountable men and women are the supreme authority in our system.

The Imperium Project is a Governing System that is always accountable to the people that creates the highest quality Education System that teaches creativity, ingenuity, and critical thinking skills.

The Imperium Project is a system that is based on freedom and liberty, not based on debt and license but instead create an Interest-Free Banking System that is based on value, not debt.

By creating an interest free banking system that is based on value, this will allow for the elimination of Taxation on the Income of everyone’s Labor.

What are the Goals of the Imperium Project?

Our Goals are to end the legal and financial molestation of society by emancipating Humanity with the creation of a new system of governing that has a new system of Justice and a Value Based Financial System by creating an Enlightened Society that is based on the advancement of the Sovereign Power and Majesty of Living Men and Women that holds true to the values of peaceful cooperation and communication through the sharing of knowledge, using critical thinking based on facts, logic, and reason.

How would it benefit the Individuals to have their government adopt The Imperium Project’s administrative style?

Every Individuals Rights and Freedoms and Lawful Protections written in our Supreme Constitution are superior to every other Constitution on the planet.

Every living man, woman, child, and future generations will benefit from the adoption of the ideas, principles, and administrative style of The Imperium Project by creating economic prosperity, equal status of living for men and women, harmony with nature, harmony with each other, enlightenment to a higher level of thinking by using fact logic, and reason.

What is the basis of the Authority of the Imperium Project?

The basis of the authority of our Constitution is derived from Sovereign Living Men and Women, in contradistinction to the Law of Nations, where the Law of Nations states that Living Men and Women are subjects, and the fictional entity called a Nation, is Sovereign. Sovereign Living Men and Women can never be subject to their Creations or the creations of others without consent.

What will it do for the world?

In every Nation, this will create and ensure a joint prosperous harmony so that people will be prosperous and free in their own country without the need to be a refugee to another.

By using a single, debt free currency the world will see increased prosperity and freedoms through a higher standard of living.

Planet Earth will benefit from the ideas of the Imperium Project by bringing us back in alignment and preserve our natural harmony with nature.

How can I help advocate for the ideas of The Imperium Project?

Contact Us on our website so we can talk to you directly, ask us your questions.